Research and development are essential to all industries but even more so in the pharma and biotech sectors where the rapid flow of new innovations compels players across the value chain to rise to the challenge. Kymos was founded by expert researchers and as a CRO we remain committed to constantly upgrading to the latest cutting-edge technology for analytical development, characterization, and quality control of drugs. In fact, we have mastered disruptive, emerging technologies long before our competitors: our 10-year-old biologics laboratories, our work with topical generics or our research in new advanced therapies. Some of our R&D projects have excelled, obtaining public grants and financial aid.
Granting resolution of January 10, 2024 under EMT/2528/2023, of July 10, by which the call for the line of subsidies for multi-location projects for the year 2023 is opened grants Kymos SL the corresponding aid for the company to establish a Representative Office in South Korea, located in the city of Seoul.
Resolución de otorgamiento del 10 de enero de 2024 al amparo de la EMT/2528/2023, de 10 de julio, por la que se abre la convocatoria de la línea de subvenciones para proyectos de multilocalización para el año 2023 otorga a Kymos SL la correspondiente ayuda para que la sociedad establezca la sociedad de esta ciudad.

KYMOS SPAIN has renewed the INNOVATIVE SME SEAL awarded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of the Government of Spain and is registered in the Registry of INNOVATIVE SMEs.
This seal is a distinction that recognizes our activities in the field of Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D&I) within our business operations.
KYMOS SPAIN ha renovado el SELLO de PYME INNOVADORA otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades del Gobierno de España y está inscrita en el Registro de PYMES INNOVADORAS.
Este sello es una distinción que reconoce nuestras actividades en el ámbito de la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+i) en nuestra actividad empresarial.

STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIRST TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM FOR ASSAYS FOR ADENO ASSOCIATED VIRUSES IN GENE THERAPY. Joint call by the CARLOS III HEALTH INSTITUTE (ISCIII) and the CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGICAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (CDTI), included in the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation for Health of Vanguard, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience plan and sponsored with NextGenerationEU funds. CDTI project assigned to Kymos: IDI-20230061 dated January 27th, 2023. Collaboration project between the VIRAL VECTOR PRODUCTION UNIT (a mixed platform of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute) and KYMOS S.L.
The objective of the project is to study and develop the first technological test platform for the characterization and definition of the quality attributes of gene therapy drugs, specifically adeno-associated viruses (AAV), and to offer to the market a complete characterization and quality control service in a regulated and validated environment that allows reducing the development time of new gene therapy drugs.
ESTUDIO Y DESARROLLO DE LA PRIMERA PLATAFORMA TECNOLOGICA DE ENSAYOS PARA VIRUS ADENOASOCIADOS EN TERAPIA GÉNICA. Convocatoria conjunta del INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (ISCIII) y del CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO E INDUSTRIAL (CDTI), incluido en el Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica para la Salud de Vanguardia, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y financiado con fondos NextGenerationEU. Proyecto CDTI asignado a Kymos: IDI-20230061 de fecha 27 de enero de 2023. Proyecto de colaboración entre la UNIDAD DE PRODUCCION VIRAL (plataforma a mixta de la Universidad autónoma de Barcelona y el Instituto de Investigación Vall d’Hebron) y KYMOS S.L.
El objetivo del proyecto es estudiar y desarrollar la primera plataforma tecnológica de ensayos para la caracterización y definición de los atributos de calidad de los fármacos de terapia génica, en concreto los virus adenoasociados (AAV), y ofrecer al mercado un servicio completo de caracterización y control de calidad en un entorno regulado y validado que permita reducir el tiempo de desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos de terapia génica.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIRST TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM FOR ANALYTICAL ASSAYS IN GENE THERAPY. This project is also financed through a grant TORRES QUEVEDO for contracts No. PTQ2021-012177 dated November 1st, 2022.
The objective of the project is to develop a test platform for the characterization and definition of the quality attributes of gene therapy drugs.
DESARROLLO DE LA PRIMERA PLATAFORMA TECNOLÓGICA DE ENSAYOS ANALÍTICOS PARA TERAPIAS GENÉTICAS financiado mediante una ayuda para contratos TORRES QUEVEDO Nº PTQ2021-012177 de fecha de 1 de noviembre de 2022.
El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar una plataforma tecnológica de ensayos para la caracterización y definición de los atributos de calidad de los fármacos de terapia génica.

Development of a diagnostic test based on miRNA-574-5p as a predictive biomarker for prostaglandin E2-mediated tumors
Using a previously standardized and GLP validated analytical method for the quantification of miRNAs from plasma, we will conduct an explorative biomarker study to determine miRNA-574-5p as a non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) stratification marker. With miRNA-574-5p as a biomarker, we hope to establish a threshold value in blood from which a PGE2-dependent lung cancer can be predicted, and thus also the therapeutic outcome with PGE2 inhibitors.
A research project in cooperation with Technical University Darmstadt and University of Gießen since 2019; funded by KMU-innovativ of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
See our publications:
FASEB BioAdvances: Validation of extracellular miRNA quantification in blood samples using RT-qPCR
BIOspectrum: Flüssigbiopsie: Standardisierte mikroRNA-Analytik – die große Chance für Biomarkerstudien?

Determination of micro RNAs and RNA therapeutics in human serum and plasma under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) conditions
Validation of the method for miRNA isolation from plasma and quantification by quantitative PCR under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is the basis for a standardised analysis procedure of miRNAs to provide reproducible determination of miRNA biomarkers.
A research project in cooperation with Technical University Darmstadt since 2017; funded by ZIM of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Marche Biobank Project
Establishment of A.T.S. (Scope Temporary Association) and special collective mandate with representation for POR MARCHE FESR 2014/2020 – ASSE 1 – OS 2 – AZIONE 2.1 Support for the Development of Technological Platforms for Collaborative Research, Development and Innovation in the areas of Intelligent Specialization.
Marche Biobank poster
OligoXplorer: the first platform for the analysis of therapeutic oligonucleotides in the Marche Region
The OligoXplorer project goal is to develop the first platform in the Marche Region for the analysis of therapeutic oligonucleotides such as antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) and RNA molecules like small interfering RNA (siRNA) and micro-RNA (miRNA). This platform will address the complexity of characterizing these molecules, which requires various analytical techniques because of their structural diversity and chemical modifications.
This will be an innovative initiative in the Marche Region and will act as the first option provider for local pharmaceutical companies and research labs. By offering this service, OligoXplorer will support the development of nucleic acid-based therapies in Italy, and will ensure drug safety and quality while promoting the regional innovation.

IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR BIOSIMILARS. Decision of the CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO E INDUSTRIAL (CDTI) for a financial aid to the development of the Project IDI-20140009 dated February 3, 2014.
IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE NUEVAS METODOLOGÍAS ANALÍTICAS PARA BIOSIMILARES. Resolución del CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO E INDUSTRIAL (CDTI) de ayuda financiera al desarrollo del Proyecto IDI-20140009 de fecha 3 de febrero de 2014.
DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW ANALYTICAL PLATFORM FOR THERAPEUTIC GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS. Decision EMO/1430/2015, dated June 25, 2015 (DOGC núm. 6902 de 30/06/2015) regarding the call for NUCLEUS OF INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT (file number RD15-1-0080). This project has received funding from the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). With the collaboration from ACCIO.
DESENVOLUPAMENT D’UNA NOVA PLATAFORMA ANALÍTICA DE GLICOSAMINOGLICANS TERAPÈUTICS. Resolució EMO/1430/2015, de 25 de juny (DOGC núm. 6902 de 30/06/2015) de convocatòria de la línia d’ajuts a NUCLIS DE RECERCA INDUSTRIAL I DESENVOLUPAMENT EXPERIMENTAL (núm. d’expedient RD15-1-0080). Aquest projecte ha estat cofinançat per la Unió Europea a través del Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER). Amb la col·laboració d’ACCIÓ.
Medical Device
Resolution EMC/1845/2016 dated 11th of July (DOGC number 7172 de 28.7.2106) regarding the call for aids in NUCLEUS OF INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT registered with the expedient number RD16-1-0030 to grant the project BIODEGRADABLE MEDICAL DEVICE AS A TOOL FOR THERAPEUTIC IMPROVEMENT IN A LONG-TERM ILLNESS. This project has received funding from the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). With the collaboration from ACCIO.
Dispositiu mèdic
Resolució EMC/1845/2016 d’11 de juliol (DOGC núm. 7172 de 28.7.2106) de convocatòria de la línia d’ajuts a NUCLIS DE RECERCA INDUSTRIAL I DESENVOLUPAMENT EXPERIMENTAL, enregistrada amb el número d’expedient RD16-1-0030 que s’atorga al projecte DISPOSITIU MÈDIC BIODEGRADABLE COM A EINA DE MILLORA TERAPÈUTICA EN MALALTIA DE LLARGA DURADA. Aquest projecte ha estat cofinançat per la Unió Europea a través del Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER). Amb la col·laboració d’ACCIÓ.
Industrial PhD
Third final partial resolution of the INDUSTRIAL PHD 2017 CALL of the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) of the Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya dated 24th of November, 2017. Expedient number 2017 DI 045 on behalf of the company Kymos Pharma Services, S.L. and of the research organization Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Doctorat Industrial
Tercera resolució parcial definitiva de la CONVOCATÒRIA DE DOCTORATS INDUSTRIALS (DI) 2017 de l’Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya de data 24 de Novembre de 2017. Número d’expedient 2017 DI 045 en favor de l’empresa Kymos Pharma Services, S.L. i de l’organisme de recerca Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
High Impact
Resolution of the Agència per a la Competitivitat de l’Empresa, ACCIÓ, dated 18th of October 2017, in accordance with the Resolution EMC/1900/2017 approving the regulatory basis of the program of aids to high impact investments, and the Resolution EMC/2169/2017 openning the 2017 call, registered with the reference file number ACIAI17-1-0052: CREATION OF NEW JOBS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL SECTOR (KREALAB).
Alt Impacte
Resolució de l’Agència per a la Competitivitat de l’Empresa, ACCIÓ, de data 18 d’octubre de 2017 d’acord amb allò disposat a la Resolució EMC/1900/2017 per la qual s’aproven les bases reguladores del programa d’ajuts a inversions d’alt impacte, i la Resolució EMC/2169/2017 per la qual s’obre la convocatòria per a l’any 2017, enregistrada amb el número d’expedient ACIAI17-1-0052: CREACIÓ DE NOUS LLOC DE TREBALL AL SECTOR FARMACÈUTIC I BIOTECNOLÒGIC (KREALAB).
DG-GT Meeting: Dresden, DE | 10-11 Mar 2025
BIO CHINA 2025: Suzhou, CHN | 13-15 Mar 2025
BIO-Europe Spring: Milan, IT | 25-26 Mar 2025
German Pharm-Tox Summit: Hannover, DE | 25-28 Mar 2025
German Biotech Days: Heidelberg, DE | 09-10 Apr 2025
MEET2WIN: Bourdeaux, FR | 06-07 May 2025
BIO KOREA 2025: Seoul, KR | 07-09 May 2025
BIONNALE 2025: Berlin, DE | 14-15 May 2025
Innovation for Cell and Gene Therapies (ICGT): Paris, FR | 22 May 2025
MabDesign Partnering Day: Lyon, FR | 02 Jun 2025
Congrès Polepharma Biotesting: Evreux, FR | 04-05 Jun 2025
International Oligonucleotides and Peptides Conference: Prague, CZ | 09-11 Jun 2025
AFI Simposio: Rimini, IT | 11-13 Jun 2025
Antibody Industrial Symposium (AIS): Tours, FR | 25-26 Jun 2025
CPHI 2025: Frankfurt, DE | 28-30 Oct 2025