




In compliance with Spain’s Law 34/2002, of Services in the Information Society and e-Commerce, as well as with all other regulations governing legal entities, we hereby inform that:

  • KYMOS GROUP, S.L. with VAT nº B70843693 was incorporated on 6th of March, 2024 by means of public deed issued by the notary Javier García Ruíz under protocol number 708 and was registered on 16th of April, 2024 at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Spain, under volume 49237, page 203 sheet B-612804, entry 1. The Company has its registered address at Ronda Can Fatjó 5, Building D, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. Should you need to contact us, you may either forward a written communication to our registered address, call to the phone +34 935 481 848, forward a fax to +34 931 702 999, or via e-mail to
  • KYMOS, S.L.U. is a corporation totally owned by KYMOS GROUP, S.L., with VAT nº ESB62170337 and incorporated on 27th of January, 2000 by means of public deed issued by the notary Xavier Roca Ferrer, under protocol number 260, and was registered on 16th of February, 2000 at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Spain, under volume 32286, page 58, sheet B-205499, entry 1. The Company has its registered address at Ronda Can Fatjó 5, Building D, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. Should you need to contact us, you may either forward a written communication to our registered address, call to the phone +34 935 481 848, forward a fax to +34 931 702 999, or via e-mail to
  • PHARMAPROGRESS Srl is a corporation totally owned by KYMOS GROUP, S.L. incorporated in the Companies Register of Ancona, Italy, on 11th of May 1999, with the number REA AN-151873 and VAT IT01564160420. The Company has its registered address at Via Emilia Romagna 28-30-32, 60030 Monsano, Ancona, Italy. Should you need to contact us, you may either forward a written communication to our registered address, call to the phone +39 071 7499919 or send an e-mail to info@pharmaprogress.comor to the registered PEC
  • PROLYTIC GmbH is a corporation totally owned by KYMOS GROUP, S.L. incorporated in the Companies Register of Frankfurt/Main, Germany, with the number 56529 and VAT DE 226546121. The Company has its registered address at Weismüllerstraße 45, 60314 Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Should you need to contact us, you may either forward a written communication to our registered address, call to the phone +49 69 348723410 or send an e-mail to Managing Directors: Dr. Ron Wacker, Joan Puig de Dou.
  • KYMOS S.L.U. has incorporated a Liaison Office in the National Tax Service of Korea with register number: 903-84-01203. The Liaison Office has its registered address at 37F ASEM Tower, 517 Yeongdong-Daero, Gangnam-gu, 06164 Seoul, Korea. Should you need to contact us, you may either forward a written communication to our registered address, call to the phone +82 02 6001 3883 or send an e-mail to


Since the founding of KYMOS, S.L. (“KYMOS GROUP” or “the Company”) in 2001 by a group of scientists with extensive experience in the areas of research, development and quality control of the pharmaceutical industry, it began an exciting path that continues today and growing day by day with new people with the same spirit of innovation and improvement that its founders had and whose values and ethical principles consist of acting with integrity and being respectful of people, the environment and current legislation.

The legislative and social changes that have arisen in recent years in our environment have led us to promote the implementation of this Code of Conduct in our Company, which has become the highest standard regulatory instrument in the Company’s regulatory structure. This Code of Conduct contains the ethical principles that the Company applies in all areas of its activity and represents our commitment to comply with the laws and the ethical values that are defended in such laws. This Code is called to be a key tool so that we continue to be responsible, integral, respectful of the law and human rights, transparent and attentive to any unfair practice.

Being part of KYMOS GROUP implies being fully committed to the values of this Code of Conduct that sets clear principles that should guide the actions of our staff.

The shareholders, directors and employees of KYMOS GROUP, as well as its subsidiaries, must adhere to this Code of Conduct and voluntarily assume the obligation to adjust all its activities to the spirit of its provisions.

In addition, customers, collaborators and suppliers of the Company will be asked to agree to comply with the ethical principles of this Code in the absence of their own Code of Conduct that contains equivalent provisions.

The Company has adopted measures to ensure strict compliance with this Code of Conduct and we will always be attentive to any practice that could risk a commitment to act in accordance with the ethical principles set forth in it. Likewise, we ask our employees that the same diligence, values and commitment guide their daily actions.

In my name and in the name of the Board of Directors of the Company, I would like to thank in advance the commitment of all the people who are part of KYMOS in complying with this Code of Conduct

Kindest regards,

Joan Puig Corcoy

Chairman of the Board of Director 



The objective of this Code of Conduct is to ensure compliance with the law and the values of the Company, avoiding and rejecting the commission of any crime for the benefit of the Company and the society as a whole.

Its content is not only declarative but binding for its shareholders, its management body, its management and all the people who are part of KYMOS GROUP as well as its subsidiaries and does not intend to replace or substitute the current legal regulations.

The shareholders and directors of KYMOS GROUP are guarantors of compliance with the obligations of this Code of Conduct. In addition, those responsible for each business area of the Company will be responsible for ensuring compliance and application of the same in their respective areas of responsibility.

When starting their employment relationship with KYMOS GROUP or any of its subsidiaries, all individuals will receive a copy of the Code of Conduct, which they must read in order to accept the content of their rules.

The Code of Conduct will also be published on the Company’s website.

It is expected of all the people that integrate KYMOS GROUP a performance that is consistent with the principles and values of the Code of Conduct. In case any person is aware that the principles of the Code or the current legislation are infringed, they may report it using the Internal Information System that the Company puts at their disposal.


(i) Will exercise, in an informed and responsible manner, their voting rights in the General Shareholders’ Meetings and, in doing so, will always demand the ethical performance of the Company, seeking the effective application of the Code of Conduct.

(ii) Will appoint as directors individuals who meet the conditions of adequate preparation and experience and who carry out a professional, ethical and responsible exercise of their management.


In the exercise of their functions of administration, direction and management, they must:

(i) Carry out a professional, ethical and responsible exercise of their activity following the values of good corporate governance and transparency.

(ii) Comply with and enforce the Code of Conduct and, in order to do so, announce and diffuse it and establish the appropriate mechanisms to guarantee its application.

(iii) Accurately and punctually inform the shareholders of the situation and perspectives of the Company.

(iv) Promote the effective participation of shareholders in the General Shareholders’ Meeting, in particular by facilitating the exercise of their information and voting rights.

(v) Comply with and enforce the generally accepted accounting standards and principles and establish the internal and external control and risk management systems appropriate to the characteristics of the Company.

(vi) Maintain the books and records of the Company with accuracy and honesty, in a way that allows obtaining information and making decisions in a conscious and responsible manner.

(vii) Provide the Company’s auditors with all the information and explanations they require to carry out their work.


  • KYMOS does not accept any action that does not strictly comply with the law, regardless of the purpose it pursues. Subsidiaries and employees of KYMOS must always act within a framework of legality, respecting strictly and without exception the current regulations.
  • The Company will comply with the highest safety and efficacy standards and guarantee the quality and safety of its business activity, always in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practices (“GMP”) Standards, the Good Clinical Practice “Good Clinical Practices” (“GCP”) and Good Laboratory Practices “Good Laboratory Practices” (“GLP”), when applicable.


  • Commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

All employees, directors and managers must respect the principles established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations.


  • The Company supports the principles of the International Labor Organization and defends the protection of workers’ rights and respect for human dignity. Everyone has the right to develop their work freely and voluntarily. KYMOS GROUP totally rejects forced labor or coercion, any form of slavery or child labor and does not contract with companies that fail to comply with these obligations.
  • All its members undertake to offer dignified treatment to all persons, both internally and externally, and undertake to demand from their clients and suppliers that their actions be governed by the same principles and values listed here.
  • KYMOS GROUP respects the individual rights of individuals and advocates a positive and inclusive work environment, exempt from any type of intimidation and harassment and is committed to promoting equal opportunities in all areas.
  • Abuse of authority to exercise undue pressure, threats or control over a partner or staff member is prohibited. In relationships with colleagues, employees should be receptive, honest and courteous to each other and treated with respect.
  • No discrimination against a person will be admitted because of their age, ideology, national or social origin, economic position, religion or belief, their belonging to an ethnic group, race or nation, language, sex, sexual orientation, family situation, illness or disability.
  •  Freedom of association and the right to strike shall be respected and safeguard shall be taken so that labour harassment does not occur.
  • Any hostile or humiliating act against any person shall be avoided.
  • KYMOS GROUP is committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees, free from discrimination of any kind and free from workplace harassment, including sexual harassment. KYMOS GROUP will apply a zero-tolerance policy for any form of sexual harassment in the workplace, will treat all incidents seriously and will promptly investigate all allegations of sexual harassment. To this end, the company has a Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy made available to employees.
  • If an employee is aware of any behaviour or action that does not respect the principles listed above or others comparable with them, will communicate immediately it so that the Company can act and eradicate these unacceptable behaviors.


  • Safety at work is a priority for KYMOS GROUP, which respects and complies with current regulations at all times for the prevention of occupational hazards.
  •  Employees are asked to comply with the rules of protection and safety, ensuring their own safety and requiring the use of means of prevention to their subordinates.
  •   The Company has as one of its main objectives to ensure the hygiene, safety and health of its employees, especially in its industrial facilities.


There is a conflict of interest when the private interests of employees, directors or managers are not aligned with those of the Company, interfere with their obligations or lead them to act for reasons other than compliance with the responsibilities assigned to the Company. In any decision, employees, managers or directors, are obliged to act for the benefit of the Company and not in response to particular interests, refraining from making any operation or decision when they are in a situation of conflict of interest.


The Company provides its employees with the necessary assets to perform their duties properly, but employees should never use these assets in an inappropriate or illegitimate way to achieve a benefit for themselves or the Company.

Likewise, computers and computer systems must be used exclusively for the development of work activity, unless expressly authorized by the Company.


For KYMOS GROUP, social responsibility, health and safety and the protection of the environment are priorities of first order. The protection of the environment and sustainable development are part of the commitment of KYMOS GROUP and the Company is committed to directing its business respecting and protecting its environmental environment and growing in a sustainable manner.


The Company will base its urban policy in respect of the law and the urban order.


(i) All customers will be treated in the same ethical and professional manner regardless of the size of their business.

(ii) KYMOS GROUP will choose its suppliers considering objective reasons in terms of the quality of its product or service, price, reputation and its environmental and social performance. All employees of the Company will strive to maintain cordial and professional relationships with suppliers.

(iii) KYMOS GROUP bases its action on the market on the principles of free competition and equal opportunities, promotes contractual good faith, and rules out adopting unlawful agreements or carrying out any action aimed at obtaining a benefit, advantage or unfair or illegitimate advantage over Customers, suppliers, competitors and other market players.

(iv) In relation to competitors, any agreement that may restrict free competition and commercial practices that do not respect the current regulatory framework is rejected.

(v) The competitors will not be denigrated or described in a deceptive or unfair manner or their products or image will be discredited.


The policy of the Company is to not make contributions to political parties.


  • The disclosure to third parties of Confidential Information, business secrets or know-how of the Company or its suppliers or clients, whether intentional or accidental, can seriously affect the competitiveness of KYMOS GROUP or its customers and suppliers. and may violate the confidentiality agreements signed with them.
  • It is essential that all employees of KYMOS GROUP respect the signed confidentiality agreements and carefully examine any situation in which it is intended to disseminate information outside the Company or its suppliers or customers. The employees will respect the rules of conservation and destruction of documents and the rules of computer security.
  • Never can be revealed sensitive information to a third party and especially related to customers, without consulting the Management. On the other hand, the management must be notified of any breach of confidentiality.
  • Any employee or collaborator of the Company must inform the General Management in advance if they intend to disseminate or disclose any information or data of the Company through the publication of an article, through the completion of a teaching course or by other means.
  • Photographs of the Company’s inside may not be made and/or disseminated without the express approval of the Management.


(i) KYMOS GROUP and its directors and employees will never use their personal relationships or financial means to influence the decisions of a public officer or a private Company.

(ii) KYMOS GROUP bases its relations with the public sector and the private sector, nationally and internationally, on the principles of transparency and equal opportunities, ruling out any illicit action that seeks to obtain an advantage over third parties.

(iii) It is totally forbidden to offer or make payments, favors, gifts or prerogatives, rewards, or gratuities with the ability to influence the decisions of, among others, Public Administration officials, professionals, suppliers, clients, foundations or guilds, among others, whether they are legal companies or individuals, with the purpose of obtaining or maintaining some benefit and/or ensuring an unjustified benefit.

(iv) Employees are obliged to pay attention to possible situations of non-compliance in matters of corruption, whether originating in the Company or in the clients or suppliers, and communicating said breaches through the Internal Information System.

(v) Employees may not demand or accept treatment of any advantage from third parties or institutions.

(vi) The acceptance of gifts by employees is only allowed if they have an insignificant economic value, respond to usual commercial attention and do not violate any regulations. No gift, favor or entertainment should be offered or accepted if it conditions or seems to condition the receiver thereof. Upon the offer of any gift whose value exceeds approximately 50 euros, authorization must be requested from the Management or if it has already been received, it must be communicated for the corresponding decision.


(i) Any transaction or operation carried out in the Company must be related to its the corporate purpose and must be duly authorized, documented and registered, and there must be a balanced proportion between the economic amount paid and the service received, or product purchased.

(ii) The economic-financial information -especially the Annual Accounts- will faithfully reflect the reality of the economic, equity and legal situation of the Company and will ensure transparency in business.

(iii) KYMOS GROUP employees cannot accept payments in cash.

(iv) Employees and executives will be alert to any suspicion of money laundering situation by a customer, supplier or collaborator of the Company and if it occurs they will immediately communicate it through the Internal Information System



  • The use of the Company’s or third-party privileged information for any type of business is strictly prohibited.


(i) The Company respects the intellectual property rights of third parties. Therefore, it is not possible to use materials or goods protected by the intellectual property rights of third parties. Without the prior written authorization of the owner, the copying or total or partial reproduction of intangible assets of third parties is not permitted, nor the transformation, or modification, total or partial, the importation or distribution of said assets. In all cases, the intellectual property rights of third parties must be respected.

(ii) The business secrets of the Company and those of third parties must be protected.

(iii) Computer programs of which the Company does not have a license of use or ownership must not be installed on the equipment.

(iv) No employee may claim inventions or request the registration of patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights that have their origin directly or indirectly in the activities carried out by the Company for itself or for the benefit of its customers.


(i) New technologies cannot be used to carry out behaviors that are contrary to business ethics. The Company will ensure at all levels the proper use of information technology.

(ii) The Company has a standard that regulates the use of corporate technological resources by its internal or external users. It describes the acts that are prohibited because they pose a risk to the security of the systems and of the information assets of the clients, and of third parties.

(iii) The use of the Company’s IT resources implies the acceptance of these standards.

(iv) Any security incident that is detected must be reported to the Security Manager.



(i) The Company and its employees must always be aware of the fundamental principle of the correct use and protection of personal data of all members of the Company and of the third parties with which they are related and must respect privacy. confidentiality and security of personal information to which they may have access by virtue of their specific functions. To this end, both the Company and the employees must strictly comply with the applicable regulations at all times regarding the protection of personal data. No employee or manager can access without being authorized to data from a file.

(ii) Personal data may only be collected and stored to the extent and for as long as it is necessary to fulfill a legitimate purpose and may only be used for the purpose for which they were collected. The Company will have the respective policies, internal mechanisms and authorizations that guarantee compliance with the legal provisions in force regarding the protection of personal data.



(i) KYMOS GROUP has a prevention and control policy designed to prevent the commission of crimes. This policy will be applied to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts in the Company and will ensure that there is a real and effective application of it.



(i) In accordance with Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, the company has implemented an Internal Information System to communicate information on:

– Any actions or omissions that may constitute infringements of European Union Law.

– Actions or omissions that may constitute a serious or very serious criminal or administrative infraction. In any case, all serious or very serious criminal or administrative infractions that imply economic loss for the Public Treasury and Social Security will be understood to be included.

(ii) All persons who make up KYMOS GROUP have the duty to communicate through the Internal Information System any action or omission of the aforementioned. The Internal Information System is accessible from the applicatio of  “Bizneo” and under Kymos web:

(iii) Any claim made for this purpose will be attended to through the Internal Information System.

Claims can also be sent by mail, indicating on the envelope the confidential nature of the communication, to the attention of the Person Responsible for the Internal Information System to:


Ronda Can Fatjó 5-D

08290 Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona).

(iv) The Internal Information System guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the informant and any third party mentioned in the communication, and of the actions carried out in the management and processing of the same, as well as the protection of data, preventing access by personnel not authorized. Likewise, it allows the presentation of communications in writing or verbally, or both.

(v)The Internal Information System has a procedure for managing the information received and establishes guarantees for the protection of informants.

Reports can be anonymous, although it is recommended that the person making the report identify themselves with the full guarantee that confidentiality is fully guaranteed.

All communications will have the maximum confidentiality and will comply with personal data protection regulations.

(vi) On the other hand, all external communications that any collaborator, supplier, client or third party related to Kymos Group wants to make in relation to actions or omissions that may constitute infringements must be made through the email enabled for this purpose, which is the following:

(vii) Finally, if on any occasion an employee is accused in any judicial procedure, he must inform the Compliance Officer of this fact and the company will study whether it is necessary to adopt any prevention or action in this regard in the event that this accusation conflicts with the interests or the reputation of the company.


The Compliance Officer, as the body in charge of supervising and coordinating with the responsible of each area the Company’s surveillance and control policy.


Failure to comply with current regulations and the Code of Conduct will constitute an offense whose graduation and sanction will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations and the Collective bargaining agreements applicable to the Company.


This Code of Conduct will be reviewed and updated in order to include modifications or improvements deemed appropriate to adapt it to legislative changes, changes in the structure of the Company or its activity or when areas likely to be improved are identified in general.

Potential ethical or legal questions involving our business can be reported by:

No one will be subject to retaliation for making a good-faith report of a complaint or concern.

1. Information about the Controller of the processing of the personal data supplied to KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its affiliates through the company’s official website.

This Privacy Policy establishes the bases on which KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates processes the personal data provided to it.

According to what is established under the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, hereby informs the users of this social network about the Privacy Policy regarding the treatment and data protection of such users willingly accessing and logging on KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates official site and/or its affiliates’ sites.

For the mere fact of visiting and browsing this website property of KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, data that allow to identify the users are not automatically registered However, there is certain information that is collected and recorded in our systems as for example the type of Internet browser, operating system, IP address from which the web page is accessed with the aim to improve the user’s navigation and the management of the website itself. Likewise, the website may use cookies and similar technologies whose use described in the Cookies Policy.

2. Under-aged or incapacitated persons

The access and registration to KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, social network and official sites is prohibited to people under sixteen (16) years old. In the event that the potential user is an incapacitated person, KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, warns of the need of the parental custody’s responsible person consent, or of the incapacitated legal representative in order to access and use KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites that is expressly released of any responsibility that may derive from the access and use of its official site use by under-aged and incapacitated, being their legal representatives the only responsible under such circumstances.

3. Identification of the Responsible of the processing of personal data

The user is hereby informed that KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, with registered office at Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, Ronda Can Fatjó 5, Building D. 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain, is the Responsible of processing the file that will include the user’s personal data collected and stored as a consequence of the use and registration in the website property of KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates.

4. Purposes to which the personal data provided are destined. Legal basis. Warnings to users.

The personal data willingly provided by the user to KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, through its official site will be included in a data treatment file under KYMOS SL, responsibility, with the purpose of offering to the user information about KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, contracting with the user, as well as the sending of Newsletters to those subscribed users, to exchange information with KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, and other users and establish communication with third parties.

Legal basis: The legal basis for the processing of personal data, depending on the different purposes pursued, is implementation of the contract, where concerned with contracting, or satisfying your interest in the services of KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates. In other cases, the legal basis for data processing is your explicit consent, given so that we can personalise and communicate a quotation for you, where you are asking for an offer, or your explicit consent where there is no existing earlier contractual relation.

Through KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites, the user can share texts, pictures, videos and other kind of information and/or contents, which are also subject to this Policy, according to its rules. The user will be responsible for respecting the legislation in force, this Policy and its rules. The user can only publish personal data, pictures, information and other contents on KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites in the event that he holds legal title over such publications or he has obtained the required third parties’ authorization.

KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, is solely entitled to delete from the official sites without any previous communication or user authorization- any published content by the user, that infringes the legislation in force and the present Policy’s rules.

The user is warned that all the information and contents that may be published in KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites and in this social network may be learned by the rest of the official site and the social network platform’s users. Consequently, all the information and published contents by the user in KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites may be subject to communication to the rest of users, due the service’s own legal nature.

5. Transfer or communication of personal data

The user willing to enjoy the intranet will receive an e-mail with a username and password to be able to enter into the professional area.

Personal data of the users of the official site will not be communicated to third parties except, where appropriate, to competent authorities in the exercise of their functions. As an exception, the Website may use third-party cookies in accordance with the Cookies Policy and the user’s consent. We also inform that we use the electronic marketing plataform “Mailchimp” to send our Newsletter, which Privacy Policy can be found at the following link:

6. Curriculum Vitae provided by users

For the purposes of the provisions of the current legislation on data protection, data providing us resumes are required for the processing of any application and their owners consent that their personal data and CV, including email, available join the file of which it is responsible KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates., in order to study and/or to implement such application and to study and analyze it.  Such data will be kept for a period of one year, after which KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, will proceed to its total destruction.

7. Other third parties providing services

KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, advises the user that it is only responsible and guarantees only the confidentiality, security and data treatment according to this Policy, with respect to the personal data collected from the user through the official sites, having no responsibility regarding the treatment and posterior uses of the personal data that may be executed by third parties with access to the social network, as well as third parties which provide society of information services and may have access to such data, third parties which want to serve or to exercise its activity, third parties which establish hyperlinks on the social network, and those responsible to whom, throughout the use of hyperlinks, KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, redirects the registered users on its official sites.

8. Data quality

KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, warns the user that, without holding a legal representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data. Accordingly, the user must always acknowledge that the supplied data only belong to its own identity. Such data must be adequate, appropriate, actual, exact and true. In any case, the user must respect third parties’ privacy, whether such parties are registered users to this social network or not, or to KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites.

While we are not informed otherwise, we understand that the data provided have not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we have your consent to use them for the purposes mentioned.

9. Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, object to processing and automated decision -making and the right to data portability:

KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, hereby informs the user of his/her possibility of exercising his/her rights of data access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, object to processing and automated decision -making and the right to data portability through a written request form addressed to KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, with registered office at PARC TECNOLÒGIC DEL VALLÈS. RONDA CAN FATJÓ, 7B. 08290 CERDANYOLA DEL VALLÈS, BARCELONA, SPAIN or by sending an e mail to For such purposes, the applicant must send to KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, the above mentioned written communication indicating the petition or the right he/she exercises attaching a copy of his/her ID card or valid document that identifies his/her identity, expressly indicating their user name on KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, official sites on the social network, with the purpose of being unequivocally identified.

We remind you of your right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in those cases in which you consider there is a violation of the applicable data protection regulations, by writing to such Agency C / Jorge Juan, number 6, 28001 – Madrid or through the web:

10. Security

Your data will be processed with a level of protection in accordance with the regulations applicable in matters of personal data protection.

11. Period of preservation of your personal data

The personal data supplied will be kept, where their erasure is not requested by the data owner, while needed to give a response to the contractual relation, to answer requests or consultations made, or while you maintain your interest in our services and, in any case, for the time necessary to comply with the legal obligations applicable in each case, in accordance with the kind of data.

12. Other information of interest

KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates, can modify and/or replace at any time the present Policy. We recommend to our users to periodically access this Policy, in order to keep updated.

The user can contact the Company via the internal text service in the social network or via the following contact data:


Parc Tecnològic del Vallès

Ronda Can Fantjó 5, Building D. 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès

Barcelona. Spain


The user can as well consult other rules and policies that the legal holder of the social network has published.

Cookie is a file that is downloaded in your computer when you access some web Sites. Cookies enable a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about a user or his/her computer and browsing habits and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize the user. The user’s browser stores cookies on the hard drive only during the current session occupying a minimum space of memory and no harm to your computer. Cookies do not contain any kind of personal information, and most of them are deleted from the hard drive at the end of the session browser (so-called session cookies). The majority of browsers accept as standard cookies and, regardless of them, allow or prevent security settings temporary or stored cookies.

Without your express consent – by activating cookies in your browser – KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates will not link in the cookies data stored with your personal data provided at the time of registration.

Which types of cookies is using this website?

  • Technical Cookies: are those that allow the user to browsing through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that it may exist as, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access parts of restricted access, remembering the elements that make up an order, make the process of purchase of an order, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use elements of safety during browsing, store content for broadcast video or sound, or share content through social networks.
  • Personalization Cookies: are those that allow the user to access the service with some general features predefined in the user terminal as they would for example be language, browser type through which to access the service, the regional configuration from where access to the service, etc.
  • Analysis Cookies: they are those that well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use of the offered service to users. Thus, your navigation on our website is analyzed in order to improve the supply of products or services that we offer.
  • Third-party Cookies: KYMOS GROUP website can use third-party services which, on behalf of KYMOS GROUP, collect information for purposes of statistical, of use of the Site by the user and for the provision of other services related to the activity of the Website and other Internet services.

Specifically, this website uses the following cookies provided by Google, Inc. based in the United States, headquartered in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043:

a) Google Analytics: it is an analytical web service that gathers information, including the IP address of the user, which will be transmitted, treated and stored by Google on the terms set in the website. Including possible transmission of such information to third parties for reasons of legal requirements or when such third parties process information on behalf of Google.

b) DoubleClick: uses cookies to improve advertising, sending a cookie to the browser after any impression, click, or other activity that results in a call to our servers. If the browser accepts the cookie, the cookie is stored on the browser.

c) Google Tag Manager: is a system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app. Once the Tag Manager snippet has been added to your website or mobile app, you can configure tags via a web-based user interface without having to alter and deploy additional code. This reduces errors and frees you from having to involve a developer whenever you need to make changes.

d) GA Audiences: A remarketing audience is a list of cookies or mobile-advertising IDs that represents a group of users you want to re-engage because of their likelihood to convert.

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1. Scope

These GENERAL TERMS OF SALE apply to all orders issued by KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates (hereinafter referred as KYMOS GROUP) and/or its Affiliates and accepted by the CLIENT and/or its Affiliates (also individually referred to as “Party” or collectively the “Parties”), for the purchase of KYMOS GROUP’ services (“the Services”), in the framework of one or different Projects.

The term “Affiliate” shall mean any entity, individual, firm, or corporation, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control of either Party.

Any equivalent provision contained in whatsoever valid agreement executed between KYMOS GROUP and CLIENT, such as but not limited to non-disclosure agreements, the Master Service Agreement, technical agreements, work orders or quotations, shall prevail in front of these GENERAL TERMS OF SALE.

2. Confidentiality

For the duration of the Services and up to five (5) years after its finalization, the Parties agree that any and all information exchanged shall be treated by their directors, employees or consultants as confidential and shall not be disclosed to other parties, except for: i) information previously known by the other Party, ii) information within the public domain, iii) information required to be disclosed by law, iv) information necessary to be disclosed to the Authorities for regulatory purposes. The disclosing to third parties of the name and/or logo of the other Party with the sole purpose of mentioning it as a business commercial reference is accepted and does not fall under the confidentiality obligations provided in this clause.

3. Services

KYMOS GROUP shall perform the Services in accordance with: i) these General Terms and any other agreement signed between the Parties, ii) any protocol approved by the Parties; iii) the applicable laws and regulations, iv) in compliance with GLP, GCP and GMP requirements when agreed between the Parties, and iv) all accepted scientific principles and practices in the scientific community.

4. Term of Services

4.1. The quotations issued by KYMOS GROUP will be considered accepted by CLIENT upon reception by Kymos of i) signed quotation; ii) approval letter/e-mail; iii) work order (WO), iv) purchase order (PO); or v) samples for analysis. If Client requires WO/PO number for invoicing purposes, KYMOS GROUP will not start any works until Client informs KYMOS GROUP the corresponding number.

4.2. Before the beginning of the Services, CLIENT shall provide to KYMOS GROUP any relevant and sufficient information available about the project in order to enable KYMOS GROUP to duly perform the Services. CLIENT shall also provide free of charge sufficient amount of samples, standards and any other specific material necessary to perform the Services by KYMOS GROUP, including the amount for repetitions, when necessary. Title and risk of loss of these materials will remain with CLIENT.

4.3. Services must be carried out by KYMOS GROUP in accordance with the correspondent order and any protocol that may have been agreed between the Parties, and shall be performed in due time. In the event that KYMOS GROUP becomes aware that it cannot meet the estimated timelines it shall notify to CLIENT and shall use all efforts to minimize any such delay.

4.4. In the event that the whole or any part of the Services required to be repeated, KYMOS GROUP shall carry out as soon as reasonably practicable at KYMOS GROUP’ sole cost, provided the requirement to repeat is the fault of KYMOS GROUP, and at the cost of CLIENT where otherwise. In the event that a dispute arises between the Parties concerning whether it is the fault of KYMOS GROUP, the parties may submit the dispute to an independent testing laboratory accepted by both Parties. The resolution of the laboratory shall be final and binding save in the instance of manifest material error. The cost of such laboratory test shall be borne by the Party with whose results the independent laboratory shall have disagreed.

4.5. The CLIENT accepts that due to the nature of the Services a positive and useful outcome or result is not guaranteed and declines to file any claims, demands or suits against KYMOS GROUP in this respect or to request, losses, damages and liabilities to KYMOS GROUP in connection with this matter,

5. Subcontracting

KYMOS GROUP shall not be entitled to subcontract all or part of the Services to any third party without written consent of CLIENT, except if it is an Affiliate or it is stated in the Quotation or in the CLIENT’s order. The use of some equipment owned by Universities, Public Centers or Technological Centers under KYMOS GROUP employees’ direct operation or supervision will not be considered subcontracting.

6. Audit

CLIENT has the right to audit KYMOS GROUP facilities once a year upon a prior notice of thirty working (30) days in order to verify compliance with the regulations and obligations assumed. Furthermore, KYMOS GROUP shall accept any mandatory audit conducted by the competent Authorities regarding the Services contracted by CLIENT.

7. Results and Inventions

Any and all results and/or inventions, with the exception of innovations made by KYMOS GROUP in analytical methods, procedures or similar, whether patentable or not, arising or resulting from the services performed shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of CLIENT.

8. Indemnity

Any Party shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party against any legal liability, loss, damage, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from a negligent act, willful misconduct, omission or breach of the provisions of these GENERAL TERMS OF SALE by such Party. However, in no event shall Kymos Group’ aggregate liability arising out of or related to these GENERAL TERMS OF SALE exceed three (3) times the CLIENT’s fee for the corresponding Services.

CLIENT shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless KYMOS GROUP from any claim made by a third party alleging an infringement, misappropriation or misuse of patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights regarding products, samples, know-how and procedures.

9. Insurance

During the duration of Services both Parties shall maintain in force suitable insurance policies covering general, civil and professional liabilities.

10. Prices and Payment Terms

10.1. CLIENT shall pay KYMOS GROUP for the Services in accordance with the prices and terms set out in the relevant quotations for each Project. All amounts shall be payable within thirty (30) days and KYMOS GROUP can apply the corresponding interests to overdue amounts without justified reasons.

10.2. If any portion of an invoice is disputed, CLIENT shall pay the undisputed amount without any delay. Both Parties shall use good faith efforts to reconcile differences or discrepancies in the shortest possible time. Any delay by CLIENT of more than seven (7) days to meet payment dates to KYMOS GROUP will bear an interest on arrears equal to 8 percentage points above the reference interest rate of the European Central Bank (ECB).

10.3. KYMOS GROUP could review the prices if there are justified and objective reasons, including but not limited to additional testing not included in the work order, new requirements included in the protocol or increasing complexity of the project not foreseen at quotation time. In such circumstances KYMOS GROUP shall provide a price review to CLIENT and both Parties will discuss it in good faith in order to find an understanding. If it is not possible to reach an agreement in a period of fifteen (15) days, any of the Parties will have the right to terminate the services, provided that KYMOS GROUP will transfer all the information necessary to allow CLIENT continue the project at the stage where it was ended and CLIENT will immediately pay to KYMOS GROUP all the outstanding amounts related to the Services rendered until the termination date which have not been invoiced yet.

11. Sample Storage and Archiving

11.1. KYMOS GROUP shall store or shall arrange to be stored by any authorized sub-contractor, following upon completion of the Services, all data, information, results, and other relevant documentation relating to the Services. CLIENT can be charged at archiving KYMOS GROUP’ fees after the completion of the Services.

11.2. KYMOS GROUP shall store at the specific conditions indicated by CLIENT the samples and standards received. CLIENT will be charged for sample storage services when indicated in the work order and will be charged at sample storage KYMOS GROUP’ fees for the unused or remaining amounts of samples after the completion of its Services.

11.3. At any time, CLIENT shall request any document or sample to KYMOS GROUP, at CLIENT’s charge, i) to be properly destroyed, (ii) to be promptly returned to CLIENT, unless KYMOS GROUP shall be required to maintain documents or samples to enable it to comply with any relevant regulations.

12. Termination

12.1. Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this agreement by written notice to the other Party in the event that:  i) the other Party materially breaches any of the provisions of this General Terms or any other agreement between the Parties and such breach is material and not remedied within thirty (30) days upon a receipt of a written notice being given by the non-defaulting Party requiring any such breach to be remedied, ii) the other Party ceases for any reason to carry on business or enters into liquidation.

12.2. CLIENT has the right to cancel any approved work order at any time if there is a justified reason. In such a case KYMOS GROUP will cease the works in progress within five (5) working days and charge to CLIENT all the costs and expenses undertaken and the costs of all the economical commitments with third parties that cannot be canceled or are not refundable. However, the initial payment made at the work’s order confirmation shall be considered as non-refundable.

13. Force Majeure

Neither Party shall be responsible for delay, non-delivery, default, loss, costs, claims or non-performance in whole or in part if occasioned by strikes, war, riot, revolution, terrorism, embargoes, fires, floods, droughts, accidents, lockouts, breakdown of machinery, stoppage of labor, government prohibition or other causes beyond any Party, provided always that the concerned Party shall promptly notify the other Party and shall use all reasonable endeavors to remedy, remove or mitigate the cause and effects of such an event. If an event of force majeure prevents one of the Parties from performing its obligations hereunder for more than 3 months, the other Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement.

14. Continuing Obligations

On the termination of the Services for any reason, the accrued rights, obligations and remedies of the Parties under these General Terms shall not be affected and those provisions which are intended to continue or come into effect shall do so notwithstanding termination.

15. Assignation

Except to an Affiliate and upon prior notice to the other Party, neither KYMOS GROUP nor CLIENT may assign any agreement or credit without the consent of the other Party.

16. Non-Solicitation

16.1 Both Parties agree that as long as the Agreement remains in force and for a period of one (1) year after its termination, none of the Parties will not divert any existing business of the other Party and/or its Affiliates or any customers or suppliers of that Party and/or its Affiliates to any other person, entity or competitor and will not in any way interfere with the relationship between any customer, supplier, or other business entity of the other Party.

16.2 Both Parties agree that as long as the Agreement remains in force and for a period of one (1) year after its termination, none of the Parties will not entice away or attempt to induce, directly or indirectly, any person to leave his or her employment with the other Party and will not interfere with the relationships between the other Party’s agents, officers, consultants, partners, joint venturers or shareholders, provided, however, that a general advertisement to which an employee of the other Party responds shall in no event be deemed to result in a breach of this Clause.

17. Severability

If any term or provision of General Terms shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms shall not be affected but shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

18. Independent Contractors

The Parties are independent contractors and under no circumstances shall either Party, its employees or representatives be deemed to be agents, employees, representatives or joint venture partners of the other party. Neither party shall have the right to enter into contracts or commitments in the name of or on behalf of the other in any respect whatsoever.

19. Data protection

Under the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 and the LSSICE 34/2002 of 11 July, the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, KYMOS GROUP will incorporate the CLIENT personal data included therein together with those obtained while any agreement between the Parties is in force to a file created under its responsibility, in order to carry out the management of this contractual relationship and also for the sending of commercial information by electronic or postal means. Said treatment will respond to the following purposes and will have as legal basis the sending of commercial and promotional communications and the management of the contractual relationship with THE CLIENT. At any time, the CLIENT as owner of the data may exercise its rights of of data access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, object to processing and automated decision -making and the right to data portability by writing to the address indicated under Clause 19 above. We remind you of your right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in those cases in which you consider there is a violation of the applicable data protection regulations, by writing to such Agency C / Jorge Juan, number 6, 28001 – Madrid or through the web

20. Notices

Any notice, request, demand, consent or other communication required or permitted shall be in writing and effectively given if delivered personally, transmitted by certified fax or sent by registered mail. The designated address for KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates to the attention of General Management is as follows: Parc Tecnològic del Vallès. Ronda Can Fatjó 5, Building D. 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail

21. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

All disputes arising in connection with these General Terms, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be exclusively settled by the courts of Barcelona in accordance with the laws of Spain without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.

1. Scope

1.1. These GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE apply to all Purchase Orders issued by KYMOS GROUP SL and/or its Affiliates (hereinafter referred as “KYMOS GROUP”) and accepted by its Suppliers (hereinafter referred as “SUPPLIER”), (also each of them individually referred to as “Party” or collectively the “Parties”), for the purchase of SUPPLIER’s products or services. (“the Product/s”).

1.2. The term “Affiliate” shall mean any entity, individual, firm, or corporation, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control of either Party.

2. Acceptance

2.1. The acceptance of these GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE by the SUPPLIER implies its immediate waiver to its own general terms of sale. Any terms and specifications that the SUPPLIER may insert in its quotations, invoices or other documents not agreed in writing between the Parties and that contradict these GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE will be considered null and void.

3. Formalization of Purchase Orders

3.1. Only Purchase Orders placed in writing by KYMOS GROUP under its Purchase Order form (“the Purchase Order/s”) will be valid. A verbal Purchase Order will only be binding when KYMOS GROUP confirms it in writing. Likewise, the SUPPLIER undertakes to accept and confirm in writing all the Purchase Orders with a signed document or an approval letter/e-mail. KYMOS GROUP is not obliged to acquire any Product related to a Purchase Order not accepted or confirmed by the SUPPLIER.

4. Shipping and delivery. Penalties for late delivery

4.1. The shipping and transport costs to the place of delivery will be paid by the SUPPLIER, unless otherwise indicated in the Purchase Order. Each delivery will be accompanied, by the corresponding notice or delivery note of the SUPPLIER, indicating the content, the price, the Purchase Order number and the number of packages.

4.2. All the risks inherent in the operation until delivery to the destination shall be borne by the SUPPLIER.

4.3. The Products, when legally required, will be provided with the necessary instruction manual in Spanish, technical guides for use and prevention manuals.

4.5. Products must be delivered to KYMOS GROUP in accordance with the correspondent Purchase Order and any protocol that may have been agreed between the Parties and shall be delivered in due time. If SUPPLIER becomes aware that it cannot meet the estimated timelines it shall notify to KYMOS GROUP and shall use all efforts to minimize any such delay.

4.6. The breach of the delivery terms by the SUPPLIER automatically obligates the latter to pay a penalty of 1% of the order value for each week or fraction of delay, up to a maximum of 10%.

5. Prices and Payment Terms

5.1. KYMOS GROUP shall pay SUPPLIER for the Products in accordance with the prices and terms set out in the Purchase Order. The prices indicated in the Purchase Order will not be subject to any review unless it indicates that prices may be subject to further revision,

5.2. All amounts shall be payable within sixty (60) days.

5.3. If any portion of an invoice is disputed, KYMOS GROUP shall pay the undisputed amount without any delay. Both Parties shall use good faith efforts to reconcile differences or discrepancies in the shortest possible time.

6. Product Warranty

6.1. The SUPPLIER must guarantee that it holds the ownership of the Products to supply, that are free of all types of charges and encumbrances, and there is no obstacle preventing its transmission, peaceful use and marketing.

6.2. The SUPPLIER also guarantees the quality of the Products and compliance with the technical and other conditions as well as the absence of defects of any kind in the materials used and their design, manufacture and development.

6.3. Unless otherwise stipulated by law or otherwise agreed, the duration of the warranty shall be of two (2) years from the reception of the Products. During this period, the SUPPLIER, at KYMOS GROUP’s request, is obliged to replace and/or repair the defective Products at its expense. Once the repairs and / or replacements have been made, a new warranty period, of the same duration as the initial one, will start with respect to the Products replaced and/or repaired.

6.4. Repairs and / or replacements must be made within the period specified by KYMOS GROUP, Otherwise, KYMOS GROUP may carry out the necessary work by itself or by third- parties and charge it to the SUPPLIER.

7. Subcontracting

SUPPLIER shall not be entitled to subcontract all or part of the services to any third party without written consent of KYMOS GROUP.

8. Indemnity

8.1. SUPPLIER shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless KYMOS GROUP against any legal liability, loss, damage, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from a negligent act, willful misconduct, omission or breach of the provisions of these General Purchase Terms.

9. intellectual Property Rights

SUPPLIER guarantees that its manufacturing processes and Products do not infringe any third-party patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights regarding products, samples, know-how and procedures, being responsible, in any case of the damages that KYMOS GROUP could have in case of claims of third parties.

10. Insurance

During the duration of Services both Parties shall maintain in force suitable insurance policies covering general, civil and professional liabilities.

11. Deposit of material

Models, tools, samples, manufacturing devices, drawings, plans, designs, forms and other similar elements, as well as materials or products owned by KYMOS GROUP that have been placed at the disposal of the SUPPLIER for the fulfillment of the Purchase Order, shall be understood as a deposit and shall remain KYMOS GROUP full and exclusive property. They must not be used or transferred to third parties and the SUPPLIER will use them for the exclusive purpose of the execution of the Purchase Order and will return them to KYMOS GROUP immediately after the Purchase Order has been completed and supplied.

12. Code of Conduct of SUPPLIER

12.1 SUPPLIER is obliged to strictly comply with the current applicable legislation. Specifically, it will not commit any direct or indirect act of bribery or corruption and it will comply faithfully with all environmental legislation, and with the obligations imposed by the tax, labor and Social Security laws on employers in relation to all its employees.

12.2. Failure to comply with the above legal obligations will entitle KYMOS GROUP to unilaterally and immediately terminate any contract or Purchase Order agreed with SUPPLIER.

13. Resolution

In the event that (i) the SUPPLIER does not fulfill any of its contractual obligations or breaches any of the provisions of these GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE or any other agreement between the Parties and such breach is material and not remedied within thirty (30) days upon a receipt of a written notice being given by the non-defaulting Party requiring any such breach to be remedied, or (ii) SUPPLIER ceases for any reason to carry on business or enters into liquidation, KYMOS GROUP may suspend totally or partially the Purchase Order by notice in writing to the SUPPLIER and providing payment of the Products or service correctly provided to date. The SUPPLIER shall not be entitled to the payment of any other amount as compensation.

14. Force Majeure

Neither Party shall be responsible for delay, non-delivery, default, loss, costs, claims or non-performance in whole or in part if occasioned by strikes, war, riot, revolution, terrorism, embargoes, fires, floods, droughts, accidents, lockouts, breakdown of machinery, stoppage of labor, government prohibition or other causes beyond any Party, provided always that the concerned Party shall promptly notify the other Party and shall use all reasonable endeavors to remedy, remove or mitigate the cause and effects of such an event. If an event of force majeure prevents one of the Parties from performing its obligations hereunder for more than 3 months, the other Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement.

15. Continuing Obligations

On the termination of the Services for any reason, the accrued rights, obligations and remedies of the Parties under these GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE shall not be affected and those provisions which are intended to continue or come into effect shall do so notwithstanding termination.

16. Assignation

Except to an Affiliate and upon prior notice to the other Party, neither KYMOS GROUP nor SUPPLIER may assign any agreement or credit without the consent of the other Party.

17. Severability

If any term or provision of GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms shall not be affected but shall be valid and enforceable fully permitted by law.

18. Independent Contractors

The Parties are independent contractors and under no circumstances shall either Party, its employees or representatives be deemed to be agents, employees, representatives or joint venture partners of the other Party. Neither Party shall have the right to enter into contracts or commitments in the name of or on behalf of the other in any respect whatsoever.

19. Data protection

Under the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 and the LSSICE 34/2002 of 11 July, the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, KYMOS GROUP will incorporate the SUPPLIER’s personal data included therein together with those obtained while any agreement between the Parties is in force to a file created under its responsibility in order to carry out the management of this contractual relationship and also for the sending of commercial information by electronic or postal means. Said treatment will respond to such purposes and will have as legal basis the management of the contractual relationship with the SUPPLIER. At any time, the SUPPLIER, as owner of the data may exercise its rights of data access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, object to processing and automated decision -making and the right to data portability by writing to the address indicated under Clause 20. We remind you of your right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in those cases in which you consider there is a violation of the applicable data protection regulations, by writing to such Agency C / Jorge Juan, number 6, 28001 – Madrid or through the web

20. Notices

Any notice, request, demand, consent or other communication required or permitted shall be in writing and effectively given if delivered personally, transmitted by certified fax or sent by registered mail. The designated address for KYMOS GROUP S.L. to the attention of General Management is as follows: Parc Tecnològic del Vallès. Ronda Can Fatjó 5, Building D. 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès. Barcelona. Spain. E-mail

21. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

All disputes arising in connection with these GENERAL TERMS OF PURCHASE, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be exclusively settled by the courts of Barcelona in accordance with the laws of Spain without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.