Histopathology Services

KYMOS’ strategic partner PATCONSULT provides GLP-certified histopathology evaluation and consultancy services in order to complement our preclinical bioanalytical offer. Our full service includes sample processing, histopathologic diagnosis plus case-by-case pathology consultancy and targets preclinical and medical device developers in need of studies on preclinical regulatory, animal toxicology, tolerance and experimental models. Our histopathology team is fully equipped with a vaccum infiltration processor, workstation embedding center, Leica RM2255 Fully Automated Rotary Microtome, a Hamamatsu Digital Slide Scanner, PathData histopathological data management system and offers the following services:
- Sample processing (microtomy, embedding, staining) with all usual pathology species
- Histological preparation of 50.000 – 70.000 organs/tissues per year
- Organ trimming according to RITA recommendations for GLP toxicity studies in rat
- Digital slide scanning
Histopathology, histomorphometry and image analysis
- GLP toxicologic pathology for preclinical regulatory studies
- Experimental pathology assays for new experimental models
- Biocompatibility and tolerance studies for medical devices in subcutis, muscle and bone
Additional consultancy services
- Design of preclinical/experimental pathology studies
- Specific histopathology problems
- Worldwide network of histopathology partners